Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

E-homework book

In school we had to borrow a book from the library for our English classes. I got "The Face on the Milk Carton" by Caroline B. Cooney. Our first task is to look at the cover of the book and write, what we are thinking the book is about. I think my book is about a girl, who was kidnapped and now everybody is searching for her. It´s probably a crime story.

Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011

E-HOMEWORK film review

Donnie Darko
„Donnie Darko“ is the film debut of the American director Richard Kelly from the year 2001. It´s a mixture of a psycho-thriller, a science-fiction film and a mystery film. The film is very complicated and you probably have to watch it 2 or 3 times to understand the real meaning of it. It´s about a 16-year old teenager called Donald J. Darko, who is really smart and creative but mentally deficient and about a guy in a rabbit suit who appears to Donnie and it´s about time travelling and about a tangent universe.
One day a plane engine crashes into Donnie´s house and because of this a parallel universe arises and Frank warns Donnie of the end of the world.
Donnie is played by Jake Gyllenhall who is also famous for “Brokeback Mountain” and “The day after tomorrow”. He was awesome in this movie, his mimic and the way he laughs and moves is brilliant.
Donnie Darko is a really difficult film and you have to think a lot to understand. It is definitely worth watching.